Activities and Charity

Activities and Charity

EUROSIG has provided support to education, art culture, public institutions, and vulnerable groups, financing dozens of activities that have been conducted internally and internationally. We can mention:

EUROSIG has paid a lot of attention to social responsibility. Eurosig has engaged human resources and spent considerable sums, which are directly available to society and the environment where EUROSIG exercises its activity, and beyond, the cultural, artistic, media environment etc.

EUROSIG has continuously supported numerous activities such as exhibitions, book publishing, public institutions, music concerts, theater works, promotion of national values ​​abroad, sports activities, etc. This has enabled that support, that complement to the size that medium and large businesses are playing towards the development of art, culture and sport, showing that ventures like EUROSIG can play an important role in this direction. Below are some of the activities supported in the last three years:

  • Dozen sponsorships for the publications of well-known writers in history, albanology and culture filed.
  • Financial support for the young writers on their book artistic and research publications.
  • Eurosig supports the Book Institution and Promotion in Tirana.
  • Eurosig has supported the publication of “Diplomatic History and Germany Memories” book of the diplomat Bashkim Zeneli.
  • Financial support for Dritero Agolli‘s book named “Aforizma”
  • Financial support for Xhani De Biazi’s book “Red and Black Revolution”
  • Financial support for M&B publications and graphic studio.
  • Financial support for Dritan Demiraj’s book “The Rise and Fall of Islamic State” awarded with “Honor of the Nation” title.
National Values

On the tradition already created by Eurosig, besides the contribution provided to the community there is another big contribution for the promotion of Albanian Art and Culture in the world creating many cultural –truism activities under the motto “knowing homeland and the world”

  • Mr.Kadri Morinaj has designed and enable the realization of a statue of mother Teresa, who from August 2016, is in Rio De Janeiro, in front of the famous statue of Christ.
  • Financial support for the reproduction of Mother Teresa statue.
  • Financial support for the bust of Eqerem Cabej created by Mr. Hektor Dule.
  • Financial support for Royal Wedding ceremony.
  • Eurosig has supported the second audition of Auto Moto Show Tirana organized in Tirana Expo Center.
  • Eurosig and Mr.Morinaj has contributed to the promotion of Albanian values and tradition on the Bytyci traditional fest named “White Plise”.
  • The president of Eurosig, Mr.Kadri Morinaj offer continuously his support for the Bektashi World Headquarters.
  • Eurosig being an influential element in economy growth has offered also the support for the “Third Financial Conference” Albanian Economy Priority in framework of Global and Regional Integration”
  • Financial support for Albanian Aeronautics activities.
  • Eurosig has offered financial support for “Albania Open “event which was used a promoter of touristic values of our country.
  • Eurosig Kosova has sponsored the activities “ KB Peja” basketball team which used to be in Kosovo under champion and had a successful presentation on international arena.
  • Financial support for Mr. Ermir Grezda football player.
  • Financial support for “Partizani “team.
  • Financial support for 74th Albanian Tour of cyclist project.
  • Eurosig and Insig has offered a big support for the 9th World Champion of free flights organized in Vlora city, being as partner of Albanian Aeronautics for the realization of this first champion kept in Albania.
  • Also during the Albanian Tour of 150 cyclist from all over the Europe, Eurosig and Insig has offered the support for the maintained of this sport activity.
  • Eurosig and Mr.kadri Morinaj are the official sponsor of Ora Skaner program in Ora New RTV, directed Gerti Carcani.
Art and Culture
  • Financial support on realization of the bust of Albanian State Founder Ismail Qemal which was inaugurated in Bucharest, Romany.
  • Financial support for International Folkloric Festival of the Children, Film Festival organized in Pogradec, and other theatrical activities the cinematography.
  • Eurosig being one of the sponsors of ART Festival (2014) has supported Albanian  representative singer of Eurovision Elhaida Dani.
  • On the Film Festival organized in Pogradec, the director of the film “Amel”More Raca was awarded with special prize enabled by Eurosig.
  • Eurosig being one of the biggest support of Albanian art and tradition, sponsored the semifinal and the final of Young Talented Festival, on which the participants belonged to Albania, Kosovo, FYROM Macedonia and Montenegro.
  • Eurosig has supported National Theatre of Opera and Ballet of Albania for their artistic calendar on period September – December 2015.
  • Eurosig and Mr.Kadri Morinaj has offered financial support for the organization of “Art and Wine” exhibition of painting of Albanian painter Muhamet Kerpaci dhe Leonardo Voci.
  • Eurosig has supported the well-known Albanian singer Kozma Dushi in his artistic activity.
  • Eurosig has supported the compositor Aleksander Lalo for “Concert at Chrismas Eve” played by arcs quintet.
  • The president of Eurosig, Mr.Kadri Morinaj awarded with “Eurosig” prize for the talented singers Rezarta Smaja and Klodjan Kacani for their presentation on 54th ART Festival.
  • Financial support was offered to Mr. Ilir Keko for the “Peliculas Time” documentary.
  • Financial support for Symphonic Concert of ART.
  • Financial support for Mr.Adi Shehu, Mrs. Rezarta Cami, Mr. Myrteza Hoxha, Mrs.Rovena Dilo, Mr.Alfred Tahiraj, Mr.Kozma Dushi.
  • Financial support for the transmission of “Tunel” film directed by Mr.Ilir Haxhi.
  • Financial support for the transmission of international film.
  • Eurosig has supported the 55th edition of Nationwide Song Festival for Children 2017 which was organized in Shkodra center.
Education and Career


In the framework of mutual support in 2014, Eurosig has signed a cooperation agreement with Tirana University by fulfilling the main purpose of students support in their study activities. 
The support offered by Eurosig is through scholarships (for the 4th year were given 3 scholarship for the best master students) and also training students near Eurosig offices (for 20 students each year).

Support offered for the youth education and employment.

  • Eurosig has participated on Career Fair 2017, organized in New York University in Tirana; in Career and Job Fair in European University of Tirana; in the 4th Career Fair organized by Epoka University; in Career Day 2017 fair organized near Economic University of Tirana.
  • The main purpose of all these participation was for to the presentation to students our services and products and also the presentation of student’s abilities in insurance market versus our company.
  • Mbështetje financiare të fëmijëve pa kujdes prindëror dhe personave me probleme shëndetësore dhe në nevojë etj.  
  • EUROSIG dhe z. Kadri Morinaj mbështetin znj. Fiorentina Brija.
  • EUROSIG dhe z. Kadri Morinaj, ndihmojnë fëmijët në nevojë, pa përkrahje, pa të ardhura dhe në shpresë për një të ardhme më të mirë.
  • Mbështetje financiarepër veprimtaritë e gjimnazit “Qemal Stafa”.
  • Mbështetje financiare për Fondacionit“Fundjave Ndryshe”.
  • Mbështetje financiarepër shkollen 9 vjeçare, “Fshati Sopot”, Bashkia Bulqizë.
  • Mbështetje financiarepër Kopshtin 26, me përfaqësuese znj. Afërdita Harhulla.
  • Eurosig-Insig festojnë 8-Marsin me 130 gra të Bashkise Fushë-Arrëz, në një drekë të organizuar nga Z. Kadri Morinaj.
  • Z. Kadri Morinaj i vjen në ndihmë të Shoqatës së të Verbërve në Kukës me rastin e festave të fundvitit dhe një fillim të mbarë për 2017.
  • Mbështetje me mjete motorrike dhe pajisje të teknologjisë së informacionit për strukturat e Policisë së Shtetit;
  • Mr. Kadri Morinaj has organized a big trip in Russia (Moscow and St. Petersburg) for 120 Eurosig employs.
  • Mr. Kadri Morinaj has organized many other trips for Eurosig staff in Albania and abroad in places like: Dhermi, Permet, Dardhe, Voskopoje, Vermosh, Plave and Guci etc.
  • Eurosig and Insig staff accompanied by the president Mr.Kadri Morinaj visited Osumi Canyons in a wonderful trip.
  • Mr.Kadri Morinaj is an inspiration for all young people who wants to be part of enterprise world, for which he was invited by Startup Grind Tirana to share with participants his success history (how he started the business the difficulties encountered on his way, some valid advices for the management of some business on the same time, the management of an intensive daily work with 3000 employs).